The 12 March 2025
from 14h00 to 18h00 / Consult the timetables
Tout au long de l'année, la Maison du Potier accueille dans sa boutique, une dizaine de céramistes des Pays de Loire.
De l’art de la table, des pièces uniques, des œuvres d’exception, des nichoirs pour le jardin... Il y en a pour tous les goûts.
Vous pourrez y trouver le travail de : Virginie Couffin, Bénédicte Beaune, Caroline Le Floch, Chloé Raimbault, Dawn Harvey, Adriana Villalba, Marie Hulbert, Guylène Renaud, Simon Fedou, Charlotte Cadeau, Pascal Durot, et la production de la Maison du Potier.
Nous proposons également à la vente, quelques outils pour débuter la céramique, de l'argile du Fuilet et du Grès noir de Saint-Amand.
Vous pourrez en profiter pour visiter le musée de la Maison du Potier, pour découvrir le processus de fabrication d'une poterie et les anciens savoir-faire du Village Potier du Fuilet.
Visite en autonomie [adulte 4€, enfant (3-16 ans) 2€, pour les petits de -3 ans, gratuit | Forfait 2 adultes + 2 enfants = 10€]. Pas de guide ni de démonstration de poterie durant la visite en autonomie. Les ateliers et les démonstrations se font sur réservation.
La Maison du Potier est ouverte du lundi au vendredi de 9h30 à 12h30 et de 13h30 à 17h30.
Pendant l’exposition Terres Humbles, du 16 novembre au 12 janvier 2025 : Samedi et Dimanche & jours fériés de 14h00 à 18h00.
The 12 March | |
Wednesday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 13 March | |
Thursday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 14 March | |
Friday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 17 March | |
Monday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 18 March | |
Tuesday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 19 March | |
Wednesday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 20 March | |
Thursday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 21 March | |
Friday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 24 March | |
Monday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 25 March | |
Tuesday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 26 March | |
Wednesday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 27 March | |
Thursday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 28 March | |
Friday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 31 March | |
Monday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 01 April | |
Tuesday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 02 April | |
Wednesday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 03 April | |
Thursday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 04 April | |
Friday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 07 April | |
Monday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 08 April | |
Tuesday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 09 April | |
Wednesday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 10 April | |
Thursday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 11 April | |
Friday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 14 April | |
Monday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 15 April | |
Tuesday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 16 April | |
Wednesday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 17 April | |
Thursday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 18 April | |
Friday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 21 April | |
Monday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 22 April | |
Tuesday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 23 April | |
Wednesday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 24 April | |
Thursday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 25 April | |
Friday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 28 April | |
Monday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 29 April | |
Tuesday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 30 April | |
Wednesday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 01 May | |
Thursday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 02 May | |
Friday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 05 May | |
Monday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 06 May | |
Tuesday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 07 May | |
Wednesday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 08 May | |
Thursday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 09 May | |
Friday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 12 May | |
Monday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 13 May | |
Tuesday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 14 May | |
Wednesday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 15 May | |
Thursday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 16 May | |
Friday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 19 May | |
Monday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 20 May | |
Tuesday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 21 May | |
Wednesday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 22 May | |
Thursday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 23 May | |
Friday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 26 May | |
Monday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 27 May | |
Tuesday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 28 May | |
Wednesday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 29 May | |
Thursday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 30 May | |
Friday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 02 June | |
Monday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 03 June | |
Tuesday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 04 June | |
Wednesday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 05 June | |
Thursday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 06 June | |
Friday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 09 June | |
Monday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 10 June | |
Tuesday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 11 June | |
Wednesday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 12 June | |
Thursday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 13 June | |
Friday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 16 June | |
Monday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 17 June | |
Tuesday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 18 June | |
Wednesday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 19 June | |
Thursday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 20 June | |
Friday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 23 June | |
Monday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 24 June | |
Tuesday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 25 June | |
Wednesday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 26 June | |
Thursday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 27 June | |
Friday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 30 June | |
Monday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 01 July | |
Tuesday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 02 July | |
Wednesday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 03 July | |
Thursday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 04 July | |
Friday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 07 July | |
Monday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 08 July | |
Tuesday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 09 July | |
Wednesday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 10 July | |
Thursday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 11 July | |
Friday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 14 July | |
Monday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 15 July | |
Tuesday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 16 July | |
Wednesday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 17 July | |
Thursday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 18 July | |
Friday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 21 July | |
Monday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 22 July | |
Tuesday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 23 July | |
Wednesday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 24 July | |
Thursday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 25 July | |
Friday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 28 July | |
Monday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 29 July | |
Tuesday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 30 July | |
Wednesday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 31 July | |
Thursday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 01 August | |
Friday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 04 August | |
Monday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 05 August | |
Tuesday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 06 August | |
Wednesday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 07 August | |
Thursday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 08 August | |
Friday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 11 August | |
Monday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 12 August | |
Tuesday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 13 August | |
Wednesday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 14 August | |
Thursday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 15 August | |
Friday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 18 August | |
Monday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 19 August | |
Tuesday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 20 August | |
Wednesday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 21 August | |
Thursday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 22 August | |
Friday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 25 August | |
Monday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 26 August | |
Tuesday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 27 August | |
Wednesday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 28 August | |
Thursday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 29 August | |
Friday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 01 September | |
Monday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 02 September | |
Tuesday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 03 September | |
Wednesday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 04 September | |
Thursday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 05 September | |
Friday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 08 September | |
Monday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 09 September | |
Tuesday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 10 September | |
Wednesday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 11 September | |
Thursday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 12 September | |
Friday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 15 September | |
Monday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 16 September | |
Tuesday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 17 September | |
Wednesday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 18 September | |
Thursday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 19 September | |
Friday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 22 September | |
Monday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 23 September | |
Tuesday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 24 September | |
Wednesday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 25 September | |
Thursday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 26 September | |
Friday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 29 September | |
Monday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 30 September | |
Tuesday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 01 October | |
Wednesday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 02 October | |
Thursday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 03 October | |
Friday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 06 October | |
Monday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 07 October | |
Tuesday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 08 October | |
Wednesday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 09 October | |
Thursday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 10 October | |
Friday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 13 October | |
Monday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 14 October | |
Tuesday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 15 October | |
Wednesday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 16 October | |
Thursday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 17 October | |
Friday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 20 October | |
Monday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 21 October | |
Tuesday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 22 October | |
Wednesday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 23 October | |
Thursday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 24 October | |
Friday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 27 October | |
Monday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 28 October | |
Tuesday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 29 October | |
Wednesday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 30 October | |
Thursday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 31 October | |
Friday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 03 November | |
Monday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 04 November | |
Tuesday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 05 November | |
Wednesday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 06 November | |
Thursday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 07 November | |
Friday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 10 November | |
Monday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 11 November | |
Tuesday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 12 November | |
Wednesday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 13 November | |
Thursday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 14 November | |
Friday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 17 November | |
Monday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 18 November | |
Tuesday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 19 November | |
Wednesday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 20 November | |
Thursday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 21 November | |
Friday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 24 November | |
Monday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 25 November | |
Tuesday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 26 November | |
Wednesday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 27 November | |
Thursday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 28 November | |
Friday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 01 December | |
Monday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 02 December | |
Tuesday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 03 December | |
Wednesday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 04 December | |
Thursday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 05 December | |
Friday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 08 December | |
Monday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 09 December | |
Tuesday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 10 December | |
Wednesday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 11 December | |
Thursday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 12 December | |
Friday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 15 December | |
Monday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 16 December | |
Tuesday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 17 December | |
Wednesday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 18 December | |
Thursday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 19 December | |
Friday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 22 December | |
Monday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 23 December | |
Tuesday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 24 December | |
Wednesday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 25 December | |
Thursday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 26 December | |
Friday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 29 December | |
Monday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 30 December | |
Tuesday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
The 31 December | |
Wednesday | Open from 09h30 to 17h30 |
Payment methods
- Cartes bancaires
- Chèques bancaires et postaux
- Chèques Vacances
- Espèces
- Chèques cadeaux