The 26 February 2025



from 08h30 to 12h30 / Consult the timetables

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Le mercredi, c'est jour de marché dans la Petite Cité de Caractère de Saint-Florent-le-Vieil !

Au fil des saisons, découvrez les étales de producteurs locaux : primeur, fromagerie, poissonnerie, maraîcher (bio), producteur de porc (bio), producteur de veau / agneau / bœuf, plats préparés, œufs (bio), tisanes et plantes médicinales (bio), brasserie, produits auvergnats, producteur d’asperges (bio), miel...

En été, et si le cœur vous en dit, prolongez votre sortie par un pique-nique sur les bords de Loire.

Le marché a lieu tous les mercredis de 8h30 à 12h30, sur le parking de la médiathèque à Saint-Florent-le-Vieil.


The 26 February
Wednesday Open from 08h30 to 12h30
The 05 March
Wednesday Open from 08h30 to 12h30
The 12 March
Wednesday Open from 08h30 to 12h30
The 19 March
Wednesday Open from 08h30 to 12h30
The 26 March
Wednesday Open from 08h30 to 12h30
The 02 April
Wednesday Open from 08h30 to 12h30
The 09 April
Wednesday Open from 08h30 to 12h30
The 16 April
Wednesday Open from 08h30 to 12h30
The 23 April
Wednesday Open from 08h30 to 12h30
The 30 April
Wednesday Open from 08h30 to 12h30
The 07 May
Wednesday Open from 08h30 to 12h30
The 14 May
Wednesday Open from 08h30 to 12h30
The 21 May
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The 28 May
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The 04 June
Wednesday Open from 08h30 to 12h30
The 11 June
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The 18 June
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The 25 June
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The 02 July
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The 09 July
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The 16 July
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The 23 July
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The 30 July
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The 06 August
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The 13 August
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The 20 August
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The 27 August
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The 03 September
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The 10 September
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The 17 September
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The 24 September
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The 01 October
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The 08 October
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The 15 October
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The 22 October
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The 29 October
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The 05 November
Wednesday Open from 08h30 to 12h30
The 12 November
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The 19 November
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The 26 November
Wednesday Open from 08h30 to 12h30
The 03 December
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The 10 December
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The 17 December
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The 24 December
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The 31 December
Wednesday Open from 08h30 to 12h30
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