The 12 March 2025


from 09h00 to 12h00 / Consult the timetables

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Découvrez le plaisir de travailler l’argile dans un atelier de potier céramiste expérimenté.

Pascal vous guidera lors des différentes étapes de fabrication : préparation de l’argile, tournage, modelage, travail à la plaque… selon vos envies.

Dans une ambiance conviviale et chaleureuse, vous réaliserez des créations uniques vous ressemblant.

Les stages sont adaptés à tous les niveaux. Que vous soyez débutant ou expérimenté, ces ateliers sont faits pour vous !

Vous garderez 2 de vos créations et Pascal se chargera de la cuisson à 980°. Vous pourrez les récupérer environ 3 semaines plus tard.

Stage SUR RESERVATION OBLIGATOIRE au 06 51 57 66 23.
Stage possible en semaine ou le week-end de 9h à 12h ou de 13h à 16h.


The 12 March
Wednesday Open from 09h to 12h
The 12 March
Wednesday Open from 13h to 16h
The 13 March
Thursday Open from 09h to 12h
The 13 March
Thursday Open from 13h to 16h
The 14 March
Friday Open from 09h to 12h
The 14 March
Friday Open from 13h to 16h
The 15 March
Saturday Open from 09h to 12h
The 15 March
Saturday Open from 13h to 16h
The 16 March
Sunday Open from 09h to 12h
The 16 March
Sunday Open from 13h to 16h
The 17 March
Monday Open from 09h to 12h
The 17 March
Monday Open from 13h to 16h
The 18 March
Tuesday Open from 09h to 12h
The 18 March
Tuesday Open from 13h to 16h
The 19 March
Wednesday Open from 09h to 12h
The 19 March
Wednesday Open from 13h to 16h
The 20 March
Thursday Open from 09h to 12h
The 20 March
Thursday Open from 13h to 16h
The 21 March
Friday Open from 09h to 12h
The 21 March
Friday Open from 13h to 16h
The 22 March
Saturday Open from 09h to 12h
The 22 March
Saturday Open from 13h to 16h
The 23 March
Sunday Open from 09h to 12h
The 23 March
Sunday Open from 13h to 16h
The 24 March
Monday Open from 09h to 12h
The 24 March
Monday Open from 13h to 16h
The 25 March
Tuesday Open from 09h to 12h
The 25 March
Tuesday Open from 13h to 16h
The 26 March
Wednesday Open from 09h to 12h
The 26 March
Wednesday Open from 13h to 16h
The 27 March
Thursday Open from 09h to 12h
The 27 March
Thursday Open from 13h to 16h
The 28 March
Friday Open from 09h to 12h
The 28 March
Friday Open from 13h to 16h
The 29 March
Saturday Open from 09h to 12h
The 29 March
Saturday Open from 13h to 16h
The 30 March
Sunday Open from 09h to 12h
The 30 March
Sunday Open from 13h to 16h
The 31 March
Monday Open from 09h to 12h
The 31 March
Monday Open from 13h to 16h
The 01 April
Tuesday Open from 09h to 12h
The 01 April
Tuesday Open from 13h to 16h
The 02 April
Wednesday Open from 09h to 12h
The 02 April
Wednesday Open from 13h to 16h
The 03 April
Thursday Open from 09h to 12h
The 03 April
Thursday Open from 13h to 16h
The 04 April
Friday Open from 09h to 12h
The 04 April
Friday Open from 13h to 16h
The 05 April
Saturday Open from 09h to 12h
The 05 April
Saturday Open from 13h to 16h
The 06 April
Sunday Open from 09h to 12h
The 06 April
Sunday Open from 13h to 16h
The 07 April
Monday Open from 09h to 12h
The 07 April
Monday Open from 13h to 16h
The 08 April
Tuesday Open from 09h to 12h
The 08 April
Tuesday Open from 13h to 16h
The 09 April
Wednesday Open from 09h to 12h
The 09 April
Wednesday Open from 13h to 16h
The 10 April
Thursday Open from 09h to 12h
The 10 April
Thursday Open from 13h to 16h
The 11 April
Friday Open from 09h to 12h
The 11 April
Friday Open from 13h to 16h
The 12 April
Saturday Open from 09h to 12h
The 12 April
Saturday Open from 13h to 16h
The 13 April
Sunday Open from 09h to 12h
The 13 April
Sunday Open from 13h to 16h
The 14 April
Monday Open from 09h to 12h
The 14 April
Monday Open from 13h to 16h
The 15 April
Tuesday Open from 09h to 12h
The 15 April
Tuesday Open from 13h to 16h
The 16 April
Wednesday Open from 09h to 12h
The 16 April
Wednesday Open from 13h to 16h
The 17 April
Thursday Open from 09h to 12h
The 17 April
Thursday Open from 13h to 16h
The 18 April
Friday Open from 09h to 12h
The 18 April
Friday Open from 13h to 16h
The 19 April
Saturday Open from 09h to 12h
The 19 April
Saturday Open from 13h to 16h
The 20 April
Sunday Open from 09h to 12h
The 20 April
Sunday Open from 13h to 16h
The 21 April
Monday Open from 09h to 12h
The 21 April
Monday Open from 13h to 16h
The 22 April
Tuesday Open from 09h to 12h
The 22 April
Tuesday Open from 13h to 16h
The 23 April
Wednesday Open from 09h to 12h
The 23 April
Wednesday Open from 13h to 16h
The 24 April
Thursday Open from 09h to 12h
The 24 April
Thursday Open from 13h to 16h
The 25 April
Friday Open from 09h to 12h
The 25 April
Friday Open from 13h to 16h
The 26 April
Saturday Open from 09h to 12h
The 26 April
Saturday Open from 13h to 16h
The 27 April
Sunday Open from 09h to 12h
The 27 April
Sunday Open from 13h to 16h
The 28 April
Monday Open from 09h to 12h
The 28 April
Monday Open from 13h to 16h
The 29 April
Tuesday Open from 09h to 12h
The 29 April
Tuesday Open from 13h to 16h
The 30 April
Wednesday Open from 09h to 12h
The 30 April
Wednesday Open from 13h to 16h
The 01 May
Thursday Open from 09h to 12h
The 01 May
Thursday Open from 13h to 16h
The 02 May
Friday Open from 09h to 12h
The 02 May
Friday Open from 13h to 16h
The 03 May
Saturday Open from 09h to 12h
The 03 May
Saturday Open from 13h to 16h
The 04 May
Sunday Open from 09h to 12h
The 04 May
Sunday Open from 13h to 16h
The 05 May
Monday Open from 09h to 12h
The 05 May
Monday Open from 13h to 16h
The 06 May
Tuesday Open from 09h to 12h
The 06 May
Tuesday Open from 13h to 16h
The 07 May
Wednesday Open from 09h to 12h
The 07 May
Wednesday Open from 13h to 16h
The 08 May
Thursday Open from 09h to 12h
The 08 May
Thursday Open from 13h to 16h
The 09 May
Friday Open from 09h to 12h
The 09 May
Friday Open from 13h to 16h
The 10 May
Saturday Open from 09h to 12h
The 10 May
Saturday Open from 13h to 16h
The 11 May
Sunday Open from 09h to 12h
The 11 May
Sunday Open from 13h to 16h
The 12 May
Monday Open from 09h to 12h
The 12 May
Monday Open from 13h to 16h
The 13 May
Tuesday Open from 09h to 12h
The 13 May
Tuesday Open from 13h to 16h
The 14 May
Wednesday Open from 09h to 12h
The 14 May
Wednesday Open from 13h to 16h
The 15 May
Thursday Open from 09h to 12h
The 15 May
Thursday Open from 13h to 16h
The 16 May
Friday Open from 09h to 12h
The 16 May
Friday Open from 13h to 16h
The 17 May
Saturday Open from 09h to 12h
The 17 May
Saturday Open from 13h to 16h
The 18 May
Sunday Open from 09h to 12h
The 18 May
Sunday Open from 13h to 16h
The 19 May
Monday Open from 09h to 12h
The 19 May
Monday Open from 13h to 16h
The 20 May
Tuesday Open from 09h to 12h
The 20 May
Tuesday Open from 13h to 16h
The 21 May
Wednesday Open from 09h to 12h
The 21 May
Wednesday Open from 13h to 16h
The 22 May
Thursday Open from 09h to 12h
The 22 May
Thursday Open from 13h to 16h
The 23 May
Friday Open from 09h to 12h
The 23 May
Friday Open from 13h to 16h
The 24 May
Saturday Open from 09h to 12h
The 24 May
Saturday Open from 13h to 16h
The 25 May
Sunday Open from 09h to 12h
The 25 May
Sunday Open from 13h to 16h
The 26 May
Monday Open from 09h to 12h
The 26 May
Monday Open from 13h to 16h
The 27 May
Tuesday Open from 09h to 12h
The 27 May
Tuesday Open from 13h to 16h
The 28 May
Wednesday Open from 09h to 12h
The 28 May
Wednesday Open from 13h to 16h
The 29 May
Thursday Open from 09h to 12h
The 29 May
Thursday Open from 13h to 16h
The 30 May
Friday Open from 09h to 12h
The 30 May
Friday Open from 13h to 16h
The 31 May
Saturday Open from 09h to 12h
The 31 May
Saturday Open from 13h to 16h
The 01 June
Sunday Open from 09h to 12h
The 01 June
Sunday Open from 13h to 16h
The 02 June
Monday Open from 09h to 12h
The 02 June
Monday Open from 13h to 16h
The 03 June
Tuesday Open from 09h to 12h
The 03 June
Tuesday Open from 13h to 16h
The 04 June
Wednesday Open from 09h to 12h
The 04 June
Wednesday Open from 13h to 16h
The 05 June
Thursday Open from 09h to 12h
The 05 June
Thursday Open from 13h to 16h
The 06 June
Friday Open from 09h to 12h
The 06 June
Friday Open from 13h to 16h
The 07 June
Saturday Open from 09h to 12h
The 07 June
Saturday Open from 13h to 16h
The 08 June
Sunday Open from 09h to 12h
The 08 June
Sunday Open from 13h to 16h
The 09 June
Monday Open from 09h to 12h
The 09 June
Monday Open from 13h to 16h
The 10 June
Tuesday Open from 09h to 12h
The 10 June
Tuesday Open from 13h to 16h
The 11 June
Wednesday Open from 09h to 12h
The 11 June
Wednesday Open from 13h to 16h
The 12 June
Thursday Open from 09h to 12h
The 12 June
Thursday Open from 13h to 16h
The 13 June
Friday Open from 09h to 12h
The 13 June
Friday Open from 13h to 16h
The 14 June
Saturday Open from 09h to 12h
The 14 June
Saturday Open from 13h to 16h
The 15 June
Sunday Open from 09h to 12h
The 15 June
Sunday Open from 13h to 16h
The 16 June
Monday Open from 09h to 12h
The 16 June
Monday Open from 13h to 16h
The 17 June
Tuesday Open from 09h to 12h
The 17 June
Tuesday Open from 13h to 16h
The 18 June
Wednesday Open from 09h to 12h
The 18 June
Wednesday Open from 13h to 16h
The 19 June
Thursday Open from 09h to 12h
The 19 June
Thursday Open from 13h to 16h
The 20 June
Friday Open from 09h to 12h
The 20 June
Friday Open from 13h to 16h
The 21 June
Saturday Open from 09h to 12h
The 21 June
Saturday Open from 13h to 16h
The 22 June
Sunday Open from 09h to 12h
The 22 June
Sunday Open from 13h to 16h
The 23 June
Monday Open from 09h to 12h
The 23 June
Monday Open from 13h to 16h
The 24 June
Tuesday Open from 09h to 12h
The 24 June
Tuesday Open from 13h to 16h
The 25 June
Wednesday Open from 09h to 12h
The 25 June
Wednesday Open from 13h to 16h
The 26 June
Thursday Open from 09h to 12h
The 26 June
Thursday Open from 13h to 16h
The 27 June
Friday Open from 09h to 12h
The 27 June
Friday Open from 13h to 16h
The 28 June
Saturday Open from 09h to 12h
The 28 June
Saturday Open from 13h to 16h
The 29 June
Sunday Open from 09h to 12h
The 29 June
Sunday Open from 13h to 16h
The 30 June
Monday Open from 09h to 12h
The 30 June
Monday Open from 13h to 16h
The 01 July
Tuesday Open from 09h to 12h
The 01 July
Tuesday Open from 13h to 16h
The 02 July
Wednesday Open from 09h to 12h
The 02 July
Wednesday Open from 13h to 16h
The 03 July
Thursday Open from 09h to 12h
The 03 July
Thursday Open from 13h to 16h
The 04 July
Friday Open from 09h to 12h
The 04 July
Friday Open from 13h to 16h
The 05 July
Saturday Open from 09h to 12h
The 05 July
Saturday Open from 13h to 16h
The 06 July
Sunday Open from 09h to 12h
The 06 July
Sunday Open from 13h to 16h
The 07 July
Monday Open from 09h to 12h
The 07 July
Monday Open from 13h to 16h
The 08 July
Tuesday Open from 09h to 12h
The 08 July
Tuesday Open from 13h to 16h
The 09 July
Wednesday Open from 09h to 12h
The 09 July
Wednesday Open from 13h to 16h
The 10 July
Thursday Open from 09h to 12h
The 10 July
Thursday Open from 13h to 16h
The 11 July
Friday Open from 09h to 12h
The 11 July
Friday Open from 13h to 16h
The 12 July
Saturday Open from 09h to 12h
The 12 July
Saturday Open from 13h to 16h
The 13 July
Sunday Open from 09h to 12h
The 13 July
Sunday Open from 13h to 16h
The 14 July
Monday Open from 09h to 12h
The 14 July
Monday Open from 13h to 16h
The 15 July
Tuesday Open from 09h to 12h
The 15 July
Tuesday Open from 13h to 16h
The 16 July
Wednesday Open from 09h to 12h
The 16 July
Wednesday Open from 13h to 16h
The 17 July
Thursday Open from 09h to 12h
The 17 July
Thursday Open from 13h to 16h
The 18 July
Friday Open from 09h to 12h
The 18 July
Friday Open from 13h to 16h
The 19 July
Saturday Open from 09h to 12h
The 19 July
Saturday Open from 13h to 16h
The 20 July
Sunday Open from 09h to 12h
The 20 July
Sunday Open from 13h to 16h
The 21 July
Monday Open from 09h to 12h
The 21 July
Monday Open from 13h to 16h
The 22 July
Tuesday Open from 09h to 12h
The 22 July
Tuesday Open from 13h to 16h
The 23 July
Wednesday Open from 09h to 12h
The 23 July
Wednesday Open from 13h to 16h
The 24 July
Thursday Open from 09h to 12h
The 24 July
Thursday Open from 13h to 16h
The 25 July
Friday Open from 09h to 12h
The 25 July
Friday Open from 13h to 16h
The 26 July
Saturday Open from 09h to 12h
The 26 July
Saturday Open from 13h to 16h
The 27 July
Sunday Open from 09h to 12h
The 27 July
Sunday Open from 13h to 16h
The 28 July
Monday Open from 09h to 12h
The 28 July
Monday Open from 13h to 16h
The 29 July
Tuesday Open from 09h to 12h
The 29 July
Tuesday Open from 13h to 16h
The 30 July
Wednesday Open from 09h to 12h
The 30 July
Wednesday Open from 13h to 16h
The 31 July
Thursday Open from 09h to 12h
The 31 July
Thursday Open from 13h to 16h
The 01 August
Friday Open from 09h to 12h
The 01 August
Friday Open from 13h to 16h
The 02 August
Saturday Open from 09h to 12h
The 02 August
Saturday Open from 13h to 16h
The 03 August
Sunday Open from 09h to 12h
The 03 August
Sunday Open from 13h to 16h
The 04 August
Monday Open from 09h to 12h
The 04 August
Monday Open from 13h to 16h
The 05 August
Tuesday Open from 09h to 12h
The 05 August
Tuesday Open from 13h to 16h
The 06 August
Wednesday Open from 09h to 12h
The 06 August
Wednesday Open from 13h to 16h
The 07 August
Thursday Open from 09h to 12h
The 07 August
Thursday Open from 13h to 16h
The 08 August
Friday Open from 09h to 12h
The 08 August
Friday Open from 13h to 16h
The 09 August
Saturday Open from 09h to 12h
The 09 August
Saturday Open from 13h to 16h
The 10 August
Sunday Open from 09h to 12h
The 10 August
Sunday Open from 13h to 16h
The 11 August
Monday Open from 09h to 12h
The 11 August
Monday Open from 13h to 16h
The 12 August
Tuesday Open from 09h to 12h
The 12 August
Tuesday Open from 13h to 16h
The 13 August
Wednesday Open from 09h to 12h
The 13 August
Wednesday Open from 13h to 16h
The 14 August
Thursday Open from 09h to 12h
The 14 August
Thursday Open from 13h to 16h
The 15 August
Friday Open from 09h to 12h
The 15 August
Friday Open from 13h to 16h
The 16 August
Saturday Open from 09h to 12h
The 16 August
Saturday Open from 13h to 16h
The 17 August
Sunday Open from 09h to 12h
The 17 August
Sunday Open from 13h to 16h
The 18 August
Monday Open from 09h to 12h
The 18 August
Monday Open from 13h to 16h
The 19 August
Tuesday Open from 09h to 12h
The 19 August
Tuesday Open from 13h to 16h
The 20 August
Wednesday Open from 09h to 12h
The 20 August
Wednesday Open from 13h to 16h
The 21 August
Thursday Open from 09h to 12h
The 21 August
Thursday Open from 13h to 16h
The 22 August
Friday Open from 09h to 12h
The 22 August
Friday Open from 13h to 16h
The 23 August
Saturday Open from 09h to 12h
The 23 August
Saturday Open from 13h to 16h
The 24 August
Sunday Open from 09h to 12h
The 24 August
Sunday Open from 13h to 16h
The 25 August
Monday Open from 09h to 12h
The 25 August
Monday Open from 13h to 16h
The 26 August
Tuesday Open from 09h to 12h
The 26 August
Tuesday Open from 13h to 16h
The 27 August
Wednesday Open from 09h to 12h
The 27 August
Wednesday Open from 13h to 16h
The 28 August
Thursday Open from 09h to 12h
The 28 August
Thursday Open from 13h to 16h
The 29 August
Friday Open from 09h to 12h
The 29 August
Friday Open from 13h to 16h
The 30 August
Saturday Open from 09h to 12h
The 30 August
Saturday Open from 13h to 16h
The 31 August
Sunday Open from 09h to 12h
The 31 August
Sunday Open from 13h to 16h
The 01 September
Monday Open from 09h to 12h
The 01 September
Monday Open from 13h to 16h
The 02 September
Tuesday Open from 09h to 12h
The 02 September
Tuesday Open from 13h to 16h
The 03 September
Wednesday Open from 09h to 12h
The 03 September
Wednesday Open from 13h to 16h
The 04 September
Thursday Open from 09h to 12h
The 04 September
Thursday Open from 13h to 16h
The 05 September
Friday Open from 09h to 12h
The 05 September
Friday Open from 13h to 16h
The 06 September
Saturday Open from 09h to 12h
The 06 September
Saturday Open from 13h to 16h
The 07 September
Sunday Open from 09h to 12h
The 07 September
Sunday Open from 13h to 16h
The 08 September
Monday Open from 09h to 12h
The 08 September
Monday Open from 13h to 16h
The 09 September
Tuesday Open from 09h to 12h
The 09 September
Tuesday Open from 13h to 16h
The 10 September
Wednesday Open from 09h to 12h
The 10 September
Wednesday Open from 13h to 16h
The 11 September
Thursday Open from 09h to 12h
The 11 September
Thursday Open from 13h to 16h
The 12 September
Friday Open from 09h to 12h
The 12 September
Friday Open from 13h to 16h
The 13 September
Saturday Open from 09h to 12h
The 13 September
Saturday Open from 13h to 16h
The 14 September
Sunday Open from 09h to 12h
The 14 September
Sunday Open from 13h to 16h
The 15 September
Monday Open from 09h to 12h
The 15 September
Monday Open from 13h to 16h
The 16 September
Tuesday Open from 09h to 12h
The 16 September
Tuesday Open from 13h to 16h
The 17 September
Wednesday Open from 09h to 12h
The 17 September
Wednesday Open from 13h to 16h
The 18 September
Thursday Open from 09h to 12h
The 18 September
Thursday Open from 13h to 16h
The 19 September
Friday Open from 09h to 12h
The 19 September
Friday Open from 13h to 16h
The 20 September
Saturday Open from 09h to 12h
The 20 September
Saturday Open from 13h to 16h
The 21 September
Sunday Open from 09h to 12h
The 21 September
Sunday Open from 13h to 16h
The 22 September
Monday Open from 09h to 12h
The 22 September
Monday Open from 13h to 16h
The 23 September
Tuesday Open from 09h to 12h
The 23 September
Tuesday Open from 13h to 16h
The 24 September
Wednesday Open from 09h to 12h
The 24 September
Wednesday Open from 13h to 16h
The 25 September
Thursday Open from 09h to 12h
The 25 September
Thursday Open from 13h to 16h
The 26 September
Friday Open from 09h to 12h
The 26 September
Friday Open from 13h to 16h
The 27 September
Saturday Open from 09h to 12h
The 27 September
Saturday Open from 13h to 16h
The 28 September
Sunday Open from 09h to 12h
The 28 September
Sunday Open from 13h to 16h
The 29 September
Monday Open from 09h to 12h
The 29 September
Monday Open from 13h to 16h
The 30 September
Tuesday Open from 09h to 12h
The 30 September
Tuesday Open from 13h to 16h
The 01 October
Wednesday Open from 09h to 12h
The 01 October
Wednesday Open from 13h to 16h
The 02 October
Thursday Open from 09h to 12h
The 02 October
Thursday Open from 13h to 16h
The 03 October
Friday Open from 09h to 12h
The 03 October
Friday Open from 13h to 16h
The 04 October
Saturday Open from 09h to 12h
The 04 October
Saturday Open from 13h to 16h
The 05 October
Sunday Open from 09h to 12h
The 05 October
Sunday Open from 13h to 16h
The 06 October
Monday Open from 09h to 12h
The 06 October
Monday Open from 13h to 16h
The 07 October
Tuesday Open from 09h to 12h
The 07 October
Tuesday Open from 13h to 16h
The 08 October
Wednesday Open from 09h to 12h
The 08 October
Wednesday Open from 13h to 16h
The 09 October
Thursday Open from 09h to 12h
The 09 October
Thursday Open from 13h to 16h
The 10 October
Friday Open from 09h to 12h
The 10 October
Friday Open from 13h to 16h
The 11 October
Saturday Open from 09h to 12h
The 11 October
Saturday Open from 13h to 16h
The 12 October
Sunday Open from 09h to 12h
The 12 October
Sunday Open from 13h to 16h
The 13 October
Monday Open from 09h to 12h
The 13 October
Monday Open from 13h to 16h
The 14 October
Tuesday Open from 09h to 12h
The 14 October
Tuesday Open from 13h to 16h
The 15 October
Wednesday Open from 09h to 12h
The 15 October
Wednesday Open from 13h to 16h
The 16 October
Thursday Open from 09h to 12h
The 16 October
Thursday Open from 13h to 16h
The 17 October
Friday Open from 09h to 12h
The 17 October
Friday Open from 13h to 16h
The 18 October
Saturday Open from 09h to 12h
The 18 October
Saturday Open from 13h to 16h
The 19 October
Sunday Open from 09h to 12h
The 19 October
Sunday Open from 13h to 16h
The 20 October
Monday Open from 09h to 12h
The 20 October
Monday Open from 13h to 16h
The 21 October
Tuesday Open from 09h to 12h
The 21 October
Tuesday Open from 13h to 16h
The 22 October
Wednesday Open from 09h to 12h
The 22 October
Wednesday Open from 13h to 16h
The 23 October
Thursday Open from 09h to 12h
The 23 October
Thursday Open from 13h to 16h
The 24 October
Friday Open from 09h to 12h
The 24 October
Friday Open from 13h to 16h
The 25 October
Saturday Open from 09h to 12h
The 25 October
Saturday Open from 13h to 16h
The 26 October
Sunday Open from 09h to 12h
The 26 October
Sunday Open from 13h to 16h
The 27 October
Monday Open from 09h to 12h
The 27 October
Monday Open from 13h to 16h
The 28 October
Tuesday Open from 09h to 12h
The 28 October
Tuesday Open from 13h to 16h
The 29 October
Wednesday Open from 09h to 12h
The 29 October
Wednesday Open from 13h to 16h
The 30 October
Thursday Open from 09h to 12h
The 30 October
Thursday Open from 13h to 16h
The 31 October
Friday Open from 09h to 12h
The 31 October
Friday Open from 13h to 16h
The 01 November
Saturday Open from 09h to 12h
The 01 November
Saturday Open from 13h to 16h
The 02 November
Sunday Open from 09h to 12h
The 02 November
Sunday Open from 13h to 16h
The 03 November
Monday Open from 09h to 12h
The 03 November
Monday Open from 13h to 16h
The 04 November
Tuesday Open from 09h to 12h
The 04 November
Tuesday Open from 13h to 16h
The 05 November
Wednesday Open from 09h to 12h
The 05 November
Wednesday Open from 13h to 16h
The 06 November
Thursday Open from 09h to 12h
The 06 November
Thursday Open from 13h to 16h
The 07 November
Friday Open from 09h to 12h
The 07 November
Friday Open from 13h to 16h
The 08 November
Saturday Open from 09h to 12h
The 08 November
Saturday Open from 13h to 16h
The 09 November
Sunday Open from 09h to 12h
The 09 November
Sunday Open from 13h to 16h
The 10 November
Monday Open from 09h to 12h
The 10 November
Monday Open from 13h to 16h
The 11 November
Tuesday Open from 09h to 12h
The 11 November
Tuesday Open from 13h to 16h
The 12 November
Wednesday Open from 09h to 12h
The 12 November
Wednesday Open from 13h to 16h
The 13 November
Thursday Open from 09h to 12h
The 13 November
Thursday Open from 13h to 16h
The 14 November
Friday Open from 09h to 12h
The 14 November
Friday Open from 13h to 16h
The 15 November
Saturday Open from 09h to 12h
The 15 November
Saturday Open from 13h to 16h
The 16 November
Sunday Open from 09h to 12h
The 16 November
Sunday Open from 13h to 16h
The 17 November
Monday Open from 09h to 12h
The 17 November
Monday Open from 13h to 16h
The 18 November
Tuesday Open from 09h to 12h
The 18 November
Tuesday Open from 13h to 16h
The 19 November
Wednesday Open from 09h to 12h
The 19 November
Wednesday Open from 13h to 16h
The 20 November
Thursday Open from 09h to 12h
The 20 November
Thursday Open from 13h to 16h
The 21 November
Friday Open from 09h to 12h
The 21 November
Friday Open from 13h to 16h
The 22 November
Saturday Open from 09h to 12h
The 22 November
Saturday Open from 13h to 16h
The 23 November
Sunday Open from 09h to 12h
The 23 November
Sunday Open from 13h to 16h
The 24 November
Monday Open from 09h to 12h
The 24 November
Monday Open from 13h to 16h
The 25 November
Tuesday Open from 09h to 12h
The 25 November
Tuesday Open from 13h to 16h
The 26 November
Wednesday Open from 09h to 12h
The 26 November
Wednesday Open from 13h to 16h
The 27 November
Thursday Open from 09h to 12h
The 27 November
Thursday Open from 13h to 16h
The 28 November
Friday Open from 09h to 12h
The 28 November
Friday Open from 13h to 16h
The 29 November
Saturday Open from 09h to 12h
The 29 November
Saturday Open from 13h to 16h
The 30 November
Sunday Open from 09h to 12h
The 30 November
Sunday Open from 13h to 16h
The 01 December
Monday Open from 09h to 12h
The 01 December
Monday Open from 13h to 16h
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The 02 December
Tuesday Open from 13h to 16h
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The 03 December
Wednesday Open from 13h to 16h
The 04 December
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The 04 December
Thursday Open from 13h to 16h
The 05 December
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The 05 December
Friday Open from 13h to 16h
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The 06 December
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The 07 December
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The 07 December
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The 08 December
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The 08 December
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The 09 December
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The 10 December
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The 10 December
Wednesday Open from 13h to 16h
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The 11 December
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The 12 December
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The 12 December
Friday Open from 13h to 16h
The 13 December
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The 13 December
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The 14 December
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The 14 December
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The 15 December
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The 15 December
Monday Open from 13h to 16h
The 16 December
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The 16 December
Tuesday Open from 13h to 16h
The 17 December
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The 17 December
Wednesday Open from 13h to 16h
The 18 December
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The 18 December
Thursday Open from 13h to 16h
The 19 December
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The 19 December
Friday Open from 13h to 16h
The 20 December
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The 20 December
Saturday Open from 13h to 16h
The 21 December
Sunday Open from 09h to 12h
The 21 December
Sunday Open from 13h to 16h
The 22 December
Monday Open from 09h to 12h
The 22 December
Monday Open from 13h to 16h
The 23 December
Tuesday Open from 09h to 12h
The 23 December
Tuesday Open from 13h to 16h
The 24 December
Wednesday Open from 09h to 12h
The 24 December
Wednesday Open from 13h to 16h
The 25 December
Thursday Open from 09h to 12h
The 25 December
Thursday Open from 13h to 16h
The 26 December
Friday Open from 09h to 12h
The 26 December
Friday Open from 13h to 16h
The 27 December
Saturday Open from 09h to 12h
The 27 December
Saturday Open from 13h to 16h
The 28 December
Sunday Open from 09h to 12h
The 28 December
Sunday Open from 13h to 16h
The 29 December
Monday Open from 09h to 12h
The 29 December
Monday Open from 13h to 16h
The 30 December
Tuesday Open from 09h to 12h
The 30 December
Tuesday Open from 13h to 16h
The 31 December
Wednesday Open from 09h to 12h
The 31 December
Wednesday Open from 13h to 16h


Type Price
Tarif indiv. adulte 45€

Payment methods

  • Cartes bancaires
  • Chèques bancaires et postaux
  • Espèces
  • Virement
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